Friday, June 3, 2011

hero of the century award

Hero of the Century
It all started on a cold rainy day on the planet Venus.  Margot was building a machine that according to her calculations, would even out the amount of water on Venus with the amount of water on earth.  Five years earlier the sun came out for one hour.  The planet Venus has so much water that it rains continuously for seven years.  Mean while Earth has very little water and most of the oceans have retracted 50 feet.
The machine would collect water from Venus and teleport it to earth to help out earth in its drought.    Many of the people she was friends with, didn’t believe that the machine would work or that it would create a drought on Venus.  As Margot made the final adjustments to the machine a crowd grew to see if the machine would work.  Most of the people in the crowd came to see the machine fail and they would make fun of her. As the machine started up it a bluish light started to illuminate from the machine.  As the light got bigger people where able to make out an image the image was of where the ocean on earth once was.  Then something weird happened. It stopped raining then a stream of water from the clouds started going into the image.  In the image the large barren desert started filling up with water meanwhile the storm clouds started disappearing or turning white.  Just as the sun came out the machine turned off and the image disappeared. The sun stayed out for the rest of the day on venues and at night people could see the stars for the first time ever. On the radio people would hear about plants growing back and animals are starting to get better.  A week after the machine performed a great achievement, a man from the United National Space Corps (U.N.S.C.) came to Venus to give Margot the hero of the century award.