Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My Country

Austin Johnson
Why I’m proud of my country
I am proud of my country because we have freedoms, unlike some other countries like Egypt also we have a military that can help maintain our freedoms. The freedom that we use the most is freedom of speech. Freedom of speech states that anyone can state, write or broadcast their opinion, because we have freedom of speech and other freedoms like it we have excelled as a nation. From us excelling we have extra materials that we must share
We have so much resources that we take for granted and other countries are less fortunate we are nice enough to give to those countries. While others want our help some wish to harm us, a good example is 9/11.  9/11 was the one time that our country failed to protect us, but sent a powerful message to all who wish to harm us when we invaded Afghanistan and destroyed all the tanks and air force in 2 days. So now we are safe from any other attack. The military helps keep all the freedoms that we love

Friday, October 14, 2011

The bomb

Austin Johnson
The Bombs
Autors note: this is a persuasive essay on why we sould not have bombed Japan.
The world never excepted the power of the atomic bombs and that power changed the way we think. When the Atomic bombs Fat Man and Little Boy were dropped they set the gears in motion for nuclear caused global warming.
            The bombs were dropped to end the World War quickly but anything done quickly is not always finished. The emendate problem was what the bomb did to the people. The initial explosion blew down brick buildings set millions of homes on fire and melted people.  There was a man who was walking home from work and his shadow was permanently burned on to wall of the building he was by and is still there today. After the explosion those who survived died slowly from radiation sickness. There is still radiation on sites today. All that could have happened to America if the wrong countries found the way and materials to make a nuke.
            The bombs being dropped started the nuclear age where now we are carful who gets nuclear technology.  But one the countries we did not want to have nukes was the U.S.S.R.  After Fat Man and Little Boy were dropped they watched the exploitation and want one for their own. So they bribed one of the guards protecting the plans and stole them and gave to the Russians. After that we were in constant fear that they might nuke us until the 90’s when they fell apart. But even now we still fear that one nuke will find its way to an unstable government. Those chances are very high because there are 36 nukes in the world. That’s enough to blow up Earth 1.5 times and with all the radiation in the atmosphere and the soil it will kill all life on Earth.
             There has all ready bean more than five nukes tested in the deserts and on lakes. They were huge contributors to global warming and caused more than 50% of global warming. We wouldn’t have to change anything about the way we use gases if we would not have polluted with our nuclear testing.  But they weren’t the only factors long lasting radiation and melt downs also helped. There was a Russian town Chernoble were nuclear power plant melted down and melted through all its containment and leaked a lot of radiation in to the atmosphere. Now if there was even a small scale nuclear war say for example Luxemburg and Israel. There would be lasting effects on our climate for more than a decade.
            After the end of WWII we made our own nuclear crises.  The bomb would be better if they were a government secret. So we would not have to fear our last days are a race.

Monday, October 3, 2011

8th grade essay one

Austin Johnson
Storm Breaker
This is a essay on what could have been done to stop the bad guy (and I forgot the names of the C.E.O. and the prime minister)
The bad guy in the book “Storm Breaker” is a rich successful C.E.O. of a mega million company.  Usually the bad guy is only bad because something bad happened and corrupted him.
            In the case of this book this book what happened to the bad guy was, when he moved to the U.K. and was bullied. The thing that everyone that was bullied wants is revenge or bad things to happen to the bully.  In the story the bully later was the prime minister of the U.K. and the victim later was a millionaire.   In most stories the bully was the bad guy but in this story the bully was the good guy.  The plan was that every computer had an incurable version of the smallpox disease and the computers were all over the U.K. and were activated when the prime minister presses a button.  The people would then think that it was the prime ministers fault for pressing the button.  But in theory if the prime minister never bullied the C.E.O. then the C.E.O. never would have turned bad and this would have never happened.  It’s really a cause and effect, the bullying of the C.E.O. was what made him evil and if he was never evil then there would not have been any problem.
            The bad thing that happened in the story could have been prevented.  The real cause to the problem is bullying and bulling is everywhere.