Monday, November 22, 2010



When most people think of patriotism they think of soldiers or heroes, like the iconic photos of soldiers raising the American flag on Mt. Suribachi.  But does patriotism still matter?  Patriotism is one of the many things that help us win wars and be good citizens. 
                An example of patriotism is all the people that tried to enlist in the armed forces ready to die for their country, like the Normandy invasion 12,000 people were in the invasion, almost five out of six of them died or were wounded. While the Germans casualties were 6,500 out of 9000.  Soldiers now are dying for protection of citizens, so there will never be a 9/11 again.  They fight for America so we won’t lose our freedoms or lives.  Like freedom of religion, I can say I believe in God without worrying about people trying to kill me.  Freedom of speech helps me say black and white people should have all the same rights without going to jail.  Because of the soldiers dying for us we have freedom of speech.
Soldiers were not the only people that were patriots.  In WWII the women were taking all the jobs that men had.  Many times the factories were just as dangerous as the battle field.  If a single bomb they made went off it could set off more bombs and the entire factory would explode.  People that are patriots are people that help our country.
A good citizen is being a patriot; patriotism also inspires great heroes of our country.  Many of our country founding fathers were patriots.  George Washington was a great patriot, he was fighting for our country.  Patriotism is what gave us freedom in the first place.

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