Monday, November 21, 2011

a new family

Austin Johnson
The Other Type of Family
About why Johnny liked the greasers better than his own family
The definition any group of persons closely related.   When most people think of family they think of blood relatives but a family can be a group of people you hang out with in the case of Johnny Cade from the novel “the Outsiders” his family was really the Greasers.
            Johnny’s family was so mean to him that he chose the Greasers as his family.  From we know his parents were abusive and don’t pay attention to him because of that Johnny never wanted to go to his house.  He would rather stay out in a lot than at his parents’ house. The story tells us that he would sometimes be at his friend Ponyboy’s house. He was with the Greasers a lot and liked them way better than his family.  The Greasers treated him so well they came to see him while he was dying and when his mother came to see him he told the nurse to keep her away. He was so angry he fainted trying to move and sit up. When he died it hurt the Greasers more than it hurt his mother.
            The greasers were Johnny’s real family not his blood family. The Greasers cared more about Johnny than his family ever did .

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