Thursday, February 23, 2012

5 paragraph essay on my book

Austin Johnson feb 22
The Demons of Anger
Authors Note this is a five paragraph essay about the effects of anger for Cole and people from history demonstrating that anger only hurts you not help you

            When ever someone insults you to your face do you just let it slide by, or do you fight back?  When that happens to you, you feel the emotion of anger and you will more than likely will do something back to them.  Learning to control your anger is one of the most difficult challenges people have to face at one time in life. In the novel, “Touching Spirit Bear,” the main character Cole Matthews experienced many challenges in order to overcome his anger issues.
            Cole the main character from the novel touching spirit bear struggled with anger and that anger almost sends him to jail, many others in real life also have struggles with anger.  For Cole karma was very real whenever he does something bad it always comes back to hurt him. The first thing that he did that came back to him was robbing and trashing a department store and bragging about it. What happened because of that was he had to go to Juvie. When he heard he might have to go to Juvie he got mad and beat up Peter because he beat up peter he had to go to the island. If Cole had learned how to control his anger earlier he would have not got into all of this mess which is what happened for people in real life
            For some of the great leaders of history their down fall was their anger.  One of the fist first great leaders of history Alexander the great was murdered because of his rage when unsuccessful in battle.  He was not able to control his anger so his expansion was halted, if he would have been able to control his anger he would have been able to achieve a lot more. Moving forward two thousand years Napoleon was never satisfied with what he had. He expanded so much   but was never satisfied, the Russians angered him when he lost his battle leading him to make poor decisions during battle.  One of the more modern leaders but also more infamous was Adolf Hitler when he was a child his dad abused him by doing so teaching him anger and revenge although his revenge was on a much bigger scale.  There is a thin line between anger and revenge, anger is almost always followed by revenge. 
            The emotion anger is caused by your mind thinking the world or a person has done something unfair or unjust to you. Followed by the emotion of revenge, revenge is when your mind is trying to make (or at least tempt) you to restore order by evening out what has been done to you with a wrong to the person who wronged you in the first place.  Anger and revenge work hand and hand even if not with the same person.   For example Cole from the novel “Touching Spirit Bear” his anger was about him being told on for a crime he committed while his revenge was beating up peter.
            Overcoming his anger issues required Cole to go through many challenges. Anger at its least is a grudge at the most war or murder.   Even though most religions state that you should not let anger consume you, most people still give into their anger.

character development letter

Austin Johnson
Hope of forgiveness
Authors Note: this is a letter from cole mattews to peter Driscal  
Dear Peter Driscal

I am very sorry for what I did, I know what I did probably scarred you for life, you probably hate my guts.  But on this island I learned how to heal and change, I’ve learned to control my anger.
  When I first came to this island I was just thinking of myself and that I was better than anybody else. Then the spirit bear came along at first it just seemed like an annoyance.  But when all my escape attempts failed I got so angry. That I tried to kill the bear, then the bear mauled me which taught me that I wasn’t invincible and there will always be something stronger than me. Remember when you said I think Cole should get his smashed into the sidewalk back at the circle. Well I got worse than getting my head smashed I got mauled and left to rot for two days.
 In those two days I learned that life itself was a circle you get born you live life you die then your ashes help start a plants life.  Then going to the hospital I vowed never to lie again  and I am still true to my word, that spirit bear you thought to be a lie you saw it yourself.  Even adding on to that I knew I need to control my anger so you could see that I never am going to hurt you again.
My point about writing this letter is to show that I changed n the island and no longer let my anger control me.  I’m not even going to jail anymore but I still just you to forgive me. I know we will never be friends but let’s not be enemies ether.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

who cares

Austin Johnson
Who Cares
This is a three paragraph about the quote “no one cares about me so why should I care about them.”

We have all had parts in our life when we think no one cares about us. When the world just seems to ignore us, when we have questions with no answers, and can be compared to a longer version of a bad day.  The quote “no one cares about me so why should I care about them” from the novel “Touching Spirit Bear” shows how the environment he grew up in defined the way he acted.
            Sometimes the personality of a person is defined by how other have treated them. The environment that Cole grew up in was like his father getting drunk and in a rage started beating Cole. So because he beat up Cole, he thought it was ok to beat up other people. So because beat up people he went to jail and when he went to jail he was let out because his parents would pay the fee need to get him out. So he thought fail was not a big deal so he would do thing that would get him to go to jail.  Thinking that his parents would buy him out, he did that so often that his parents didn’t care anymore. Giving him the elution that no one cared about him.  After his parents stoped caring he thought the world didn’t care also so he just got worse.
            The environment that Cole grew up in is easily summed up in “no one cares about me so why should I care about them.” The elution that no one cares is not true everyone cares about someone.

Monday, February 6, 2012

settings speech

 Austin Johnson
Island of the Spirit Bear
The novel “touching spirit bear” is about a boy named Cole. Who beat up a kid for rating him out to the police, because he beat him up he gets sent to an island as part of his punishment. Which is where the setting for the novel “Touching Spirit Bear” takes place although there are at least four other places that he goes.  The setting really affects the plot because he is stuck at this for a year and he is all alone. The island is better than the other choice which is jail. If he went to the plot would be very different  the character probably be a cold criminal from going to jail. The story most likely would be about him trying survive jail. The setting usually defines the story so if it was a different  setting, the story would be dramatically different