Thursday, February 9, 2012

who cares

Austin Johnson
Who Cares
This is a three paragraph about the quote “no one cares about me so why should I care about them.”

We have all had parts in our life when we think no one cares about us. When the world just seems to ignore us, when we have questions with no answers, and can be compared to a longer version of a bad day.  The quote “no one cares about me so why should I care about them” from the novel “Touching Spirit Bear” shows how the environment he grew up in defined the way he acted.
            Sometimes the personality of a person is defined by how other have treated them. The environment that Cole grew up in was like his father getting drunk and in a rage started beating Cole. So because he beat up Cole, he thought it was ok to beat up other people. So because beat up people he went to jail and when he went to jail he was let out because his parents would pay the fee need to get him out. So he thought fail was not a big deal so he would do thing that would get him to go to jail.  Thinking that his parents would buy him out, he did that so often that his parents didn’t care anymore. Giving him the elution that no one cared about him.  After his parents stoped caring he thought the world didn’t care also so he just got worse.
            The environment that Cole grew up in is easily summed up in “no one cares about me so why should I care about them.” The elution that no one cares is not true everyone cares about someone.

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